Posted on 6/20/2011

Tourism Community Development (TCD) Trust Project

Just the thought of a smiling child, warms anybodys heart. In my experience at the TCD Trust Project tour last week, I had the privilege of meeting the most adorable children and seeing the impact that the TCD Trust and many other committed community leaders have on their lives. The reality is that there are abandoned and under privileged children in need of shelter, food and most importantly love.The Trust has aligned itself with Rosie Mashale, a remarkable woman who started an Educare Centre in Khayelitsha. The Educare centre consists of 250 children of which approximately 35 of these children come from the Baphumelele Childrens Home, which Rosie and her staff also support and manage.Last year in August when a small group of the tourists visited Rosie, she said to them that it was her dream to have a respite center as part of the Baphumelele Childrens Home. Rosie saw the need for shelter for kids and young adults affected with HIV/Aids and other related diseases.These amazing tourists immediately launched a massive fundraising campaign on their return to Ireland. The first deposit to the Tourism Community Development Trust was made in November 2006. In total they have deposited R970 000 and have also donated 10 pallets of toys, clothing and school items to Baphumelele. The center is now providing that safe and secure place for people to recover.Ironically there is another spectacular woman by the name of Rosie, who has been doing great things in Khayelitsha, one of the largest townships around Cape Town. Rosie has been serving soup to the children in her community; this will be Rosies 21st year of the Soup Kitchen. The TCD Trust has recently rewarded her with a stunning new kitchen in her home, where Rosie will continue to bake and raise funds for communities needs. She is a true blessing to the people in her neighborhood.The Trust is currently working on an awesome project which provides an office space for community development organizations, an internet cafe, library, media centre, educare crèche, recycling centre and sports fields. The facility is based in Hanover Park at the Blomvlei Primary school.All the people involved in the above projects are truly amazing. The most inspirational part for me was seeing the complete happiness in the eyes of the children being cared for. Sometimes I dont think we realize how so little to us can mean so much to someone else.The TCD Trust is always looking for volunteers and sponsorships, so lets see how we can make a child smile today.
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