Posted on 7/31/2015

The 5 most popular Cape Town activities for tourists

The Western Cape Tourism department reports that nature activities are the most popular attraction for visitors to Cape Town.

Top 5 overall

Nature activities are a firm favourite for the whole family and the leading activity with a vote of 23% for participating visitors to Cape Town. Culture and heritage must dos come in at 17,6%; outdoor activities at 12.1%, gourmet restaurants at 12% and a visit to the citys prominent beaches at 9.8% of the surveyed tourists.

Additional activities enjoyed by visitors

Places to visit that are high on tourists' lists of attractions also include Cape Town's finest wine routes, adventure activities, crafts and food markets, sporting events and nightlife.

Domestic versus international tourists

The international and domestic tourist market both favoured the top five activities in the given order, indicating that Cape Town's natural attractions and beauty are thoroughly enjoyed by all visitors.When taking a closer look at the activities enjoyed by the respective international markets, nature activities and culture/heritage ranked as the leading activities enjoyed by all markets. However, visitors from Italy mainly explored the city's gourmet restaurants, reflecting the strongest share of all markets. Outdoor activities, beaches and wine tasting emerged as popular activities, while the adventure seekers were most prevalent amongst visitors from Italy, France and the United States.Local family holiday makers from the Western Cape favoured nature activities, cultural experiences, beaches and the gourmet restaurants, while visitors from Gauteng equally enjoyed the nature activities and beaches, followed by a many of them who particularly enjoyed the gourmet restaurants. Eastern Cape visitors predominantly enjoyed the nature and outdoor activities, while KwaZulu-Natal visitors explored the local gourmet restaurants and nature activities.

The score on Cape Town's top 5 attractions

1. National Parks and Nature Reserves

Of all the places to see, Cape Town's national parks have been experiencing a strong increase in visitor numbers between January and September 2014. Table Mountain National Park welcomed a total of 1,894,874 visitors between January and September 2014 and grew by 10.3% when compared to the same period of 2013.Equally strong growth in visitors was experienced by Table Mountain National Park: Boulders (6.9%) and Cape of Good Hope (5.9%).

2. Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

The total visitors to the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway increased by 20.2% from January and September 2013 to the same period in 2014.

3. Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens

The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens welcomed 599,828 visitors between January and September 2014. This was a 26.7% increase from the 473,527 visitors during the same period in 2013.

4. Robben Island

Between January and September 2014, Robben Island recorded a total of 239,693 visitors, reflecting a significant growth of 9.3% year-on-year. Robben Island recorded its peak of visitors during the summer months.

5. V&A Waterfront

The V&A Waterfront recorded an impressive foot count of 17,326,145 between January and September 2014 and grew by 5.9% year-on-year. While the V&A Waterfront records its peak of visitors during the summer months, this shopping and entertainment centre holds a strong demand from visitors throughout the year.Through Nox Rentals you can find the idealluxuryaccommodation in upmarket villas and apartments from where you and your kids can enjoy the most popular Cape Town activities.
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