On the 4th of March 2017 a devastating fire raged through large parts of the informal settlement of Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay burning homes to the ground leaving thousands homeless and destitute. Among those affected were 2 of the Nox Rentals family.
How Nox Rentals helped
Hearing what was happening Richard, the founder of Nox Rentals, committed a R25,000 company donation to the efforts to help the ladies andImizamo Yethu Fire relief team.

In the end, we were able to get both Thandie and Annie back on their feet. They were able to replace nearly everything that they had lost in the fire and get new accommodation. Both ladies were ever so thankful to everyone who helped them and overwhelmed by the support they received. Many thanks to everyone that helped in any way.

It is always great when you see communities come together in times of strife to help one another. This situation was no different. For once it didn't matter who you were, everyone felt affected and the joint actions of those in Hout Bay and the support received from groups like the Nox partners and Nox family made a quick and effective response to the fire possible.