Posted on 3/3/2011
Guess who's moving to Camps Bay?
The Nox team were being particularly social this last weekend, and during our hobnobbing we found out some spicy information about our stomping ground.Apparently Giogio Armani has just purchased a property here, in Ronald Road, Camps Bay!Yes, the Giogio Armani of the fragrances and fashion that we love.
Cape Town is fast becoming an international celebrity destination, with Ryan Renolds hanging out at the U2 concert recently, the Kardashians enjoying a summer vaykay, and Justin Bieber just chilling at Cafe Caprice last year (JB just celebrated his 7th 17th birthday - they grow up so fast!).And this is just to name a few. Its nice to have some A-list celebrities visiting the Mother City, and more particularly, Camps Bay. With the palm tree lined beach front, the cosmopolitan restaurants and night life and the white sandy beaches, Camps Bay is fast becoming the next St. TropezTheres also been some hype recently around the Clifton Shores reality show being filmed right here in our back garden! No really, OUR back garden. (Read about it here on 2Oceansvibe). The crew and cast of the show are staying in one of our villas, managed by Nox Rentals!Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous!