Every city in the world has a "mustdo" list and the list for Cape Town is as long as my arm. Here are a couple of highlights.

1. Stop in at the Adderley Street Flower Market and soak up the vibrant ambiance of the city and the flower sellers.2. Feed the Squirrels at the Companys Garden, be warned, they start sneaking up on you in hordes and will follow you around for a bit to eat.

3. Have a cup of tea at Rhodes Memorial, the memorial itself is well worth the visit and the views are stunning.

4. Eat Fish and Chips from Hout Bay Harbour, salt and vinegar chips, soft serve ice cream on a hot summers day, yum!5. Get up on that mountain, Table Mountain - Now one of the the 7 natural wonders of the world, and it's easy to see why.

6. Do some antique shopping in Kalk Bay. Kalk Bay is charming and you can't miss having lunch or breakfast at Olympia.

7. Go for a joy ride over Chapmans Peak and marvel at the combination of natural beauty and human innovation.

8. Go for a township Braai at Mzoli's, a true experience in Gugs.9. Pubcrawl down Long Street, this should leave you... well, crawling.